
Feel a plateau coming on

Last time I lost on the BFC, I had a very distinct pattern-- lose, plateau, lose, plateau. Basically, I lost weight every other week. The off weeks, I usually lost nothing, or next to nothing. Well, folks, I've had two really awesome weeks, so I just know my weigh-in Monday is going to be a plateau. I'm good with that.

No, I'm not. I keep trying to pep talk myself and remind myself it's a long journey and I need to be patient. But I'm terrible at patience!!! I don't want it to be slow, I want to have big, dramatic losses every week! Every day would be even better!

But here's the thing: Yes, I'm trying to lose weight, but more than that, I want to keep it off. I am so, so tired of the yo-yo and so, so tired of being fat. I want for once to be a "normal" size. I know I'll probably never be totally satisfied with my body, but I'd like to at least be able to buy a "Large" at a store and have a shot that it will fit me. How amazing would that be??

And I don't ever want to go back. Ever. I want there to come a time when people don't even remember what I looked like when I was fat.

And I want to be healthier. For the rest of my life, I want to be able to think, "I'm so glad I lost all that weight because now I'm healthier."

All that takes time. I know it does. It's just--just--I want it all NOW! Or I want to be able to keep it all in view at least. And when I plateau, it's hard to remember that it's all part of the process.

Sigh. Oh well.


OMG, you guys! Seriously.

MyFitnessPal is my new BFF. Hubs and I started using the app to save all the food we were eating and I can't even believe what a difference it has made. Not only am I totally accountable now, but I also can see how few calories I'm actually eating on the BFC. No wonder it works!!

Here's what's amazing: I'm not even trying that hard. I just keep things within 20-40g of carbs per meal and it's like magic. My body doesn't want to gorge on meat, so my calories just keep themselves within the limits MFP created for me.

My favorite part is saving the data from the day and it tells me "If every day were like today, you'd weigh ____ in 5 weeks!" It's almost like I've accomplished that goal already when I see that number. It's a mini goal that I know is feasible! It feels awesome.

I can't rave enough about MFP. The food data is already in there most of the time. And you can see how you're doing on all your major nutrients each day. Love love love!

A couple weeks ago, I was seriously bummed. I hadn't lost very much and thought I had been doing pretty well on the BFC. At first, I had just cut out sugar and wondered why I wasn't losing when I have SO much to lose. Then, I started counting carbs more and I realized I had been way over eating. So I lost a little when I did that. Then my parents came to town and (as predicted) I fell off the wagon big time and gained some back. Finally, Hubs brought up using MFP and I thought, "Why not?"

I lost 4 pounds last week using MFP. That's a total of 7 overall now, which is great. The best part is-- I actually have hope that I can keep this up and see success!


Where I get on a soapbox only to realize I don't know how to get down

When I was in high school (in the 90's), my parents tried the Montignac Method for weight loss. They loved it. Dad lost tons of weight very quickly. Mom lost a lot, too, but a bit slower. So, when I complained recently to my dad about not losing quickly this time even though I have a lot of weight to lose, he immediately brought up Montignac. After all, it worked for my mom when she was in her early 50's, so surely it should work for me in my late 30's. Mom came into town and brought the book with her. It was published in the mid-90's and (disclaimer) I don't know if there have been later updates or anything. I have read half of it and here's what I think: it's a lot of malarkey sprinkled with facts. But the facts form the basis of the diet, so it seems to work.

For those who don't know and who may be interested, Montignac suggest what is basically a low-carb diet. He focuses on the glycemic index actually, but limits higher glycemic foods to breakfast moistly. So, you can have your whole-grain toast for breakfast, but with no fats at all. Fats can only be eaten with proteins and low-GI foods (veggies). So, it's really Atkins with a high-carb start to your day.

Montignac is not a doctor or scientist; he's a pharmaceutical exec. So, he gets the jargon and probably has some understanding of the science behind digestion, blood sugar, and weight loss, but his exposition and anecdotes make me roll my eyes.

This one takes the prize: Apparently, in the 1940's, the "Indians" of Arizona were facing an epidemic of diabetes after having abandoned their "natural" diet and adopting that of the "pale faces" (seriously-- he uses that phrase in all earnestness). But lucky for them, the federal government made them go back to eating how they should. (How, exactly, did the government do that?) This resulted in diabetes being "completely eradicated". Wouldn't that have been nice? The sad truth is that diabetes continues to be an issue among Native Americans (and, might I add, the entire US population as a whole).

My point is, this guy seems to have stumbled on a great idea which obviously works for weight loss, but his book is filled with absurdities. Still, he seems to be on to something. While there are some strange quirks that don't seem to have any basis in reality (Ex: don't eat fruit after a meal or it will ferment in your stomach. Also, don't drink at all while eating.), this method was a precursor to South Beach, Atkins, and, yes, the Belly Fat Cure. I don't know if the creators of these other diets read Montignac or even had ever heard of him, but they are based on the same concepts. And many, many people have been able to lose weight following them.

Here's my takeaway: Limit your carbs to keep your blood sugar even because crazy blood sugar=no weight loss. Whole grains are always better for you than processed, refined flours and will help in your efforts to lose.

TL;DR: Maybe I should eat food that is better for me.



I am not going to lie-- I'm a little disappointed that I didn't see a big loss after starting again. The first time I did the Belly Fat Cure, I lose a ton of weight the first week. That has never happened again. Oh well.

I did have some success, though! I lost 3 lbs the first week which is great! My body generally seems to lose only every other week, so I need to keep that in mind. Also, I had my period last week and I always gain water weight with that. So, I probably am right on track for my normal weight loss. Going forward, I realistically expect to lose 1.5 lbs one week and then nothing the next week. I'll be happy if I can keep up that pace.

Being off sugar has been amazing. I feel so much better-- so much more energy, no brain fog, etc. I've had one really hard craving day, but I didn't give in. :) The one thing I've been doing that might become a hindrance later is that I've been eating sugar free ice cream treats. I know the artificial sweetener is no good for me, but it has made this go around fairly painless so far.

So, two things I wanted to mention: One-- I am adding exercise into the mix. I don't think my body is going to lose like I used to without it and I really want to be healthier, not just thinner. I am so out of shape!!! Hubs got me Just Dance and I didn't really think it would be much of a work out, but I am just that out of shape. Hey, if I can get myself to be slightly out of breath and sweating, it must be doing some good!

Two--I am so proud of myself! I was sick last week and I didn't cheat! That might not be a big deal to many people, but to me it's huge! There are a few situations that I can almost guarantee that I'll cheat in and being sick is one of them. I will either get a Coke or eat chocolate ice cream. Something! But, not this time! I just remembered that I use food as a coping mechanism too often and that I will feel better in the long run if I don't cheat. I was right!


Day 1 Again

Well, it's a constant pattern, but here I am again, trying to lose weight. And eat healthier.

I feel like I am some kind of addict. The desire to eat junk is constant and I am always defending myself against temptations. I'm tired-- I need food. I'm sad-- I need food. I'm bored-- I need food.

For today, at least, I was able to stay on track. I know it will get easier eventually, but it will get harder first. Day 3 is usually my hardest day. Thank goodness I'll be working all day that day so I won't be home fighting my demons.

I read somewhere recently that it isn't just willpower that helps you eat right. When you are faced with a temptation, it usually isn't just a matter of saying "no" once and being done with it. It's usually a series of "no's" that are required. The example was someone brings in cookies to a meeting and puts them in the center of the table for anyone to grab one. The whole meeting you are sitting there talking to yourself about whether you are going to cave and grab one. So, you could have awesome willpower for a good portion of the meeting, but once you cave, none of that awesome willpower matters at all.

On the other hand, if you keep saying "no" to exercise, but end up going later, you are the winner because you did it. It doesn't matter that you put it off for hours.You will still get the benefit of the one time you decided to use your willpower.

The basic issue is that people who diet create for the themselves a situation where they have to make hundreds of little decisions, each one having the power to make them feel like they "cheated" and ruined their whole day. It's too much pressure!


Been a Long Time

I hardly know what to say. It was three years ago that I last posted. We had just started trying fertility meds to get pregnant and that was making weight loss very hard. Oh the emotions! Let's just put it this way: At the end of Life of Pi, I was bawling so hard I could barely speak and when Hubs asked me why I was crying, all I could answer was: "He loved that tiger so much! And he didn't even look back!"

Well, it was worth it. We got pregnant a few months after my last post. Pregnancy was dreadful and amazing. Morning sickness, round ligament pain, balloon feet. Everything. I ate Sweetarts to keep the nausea at bay which usually worked. I'd wake up in the middle of the night so hungry and sick, I had to trick myself into eating. And I gained and gained and didn't care.

Then my baby was born. This beautiful, independent, sunshine of a boy. Having a baby is very much like falling in love-- I just wanted to be with him all the time and when I did get away, all I could think of was him. I nursed and I lost all the pregnancy weight. In three weeks.

I was ecstatic! I am Supergirl, Wonder Woman. I am Eve! Blessed motherhood. Miracle body. Look how I can move and stretch! I can pick socks up off the floor. I can make dinner. I can do anything.

But my milk never quite came in as it should. And my baby never nursed as fully as he should. And I got tired of pumping and nursing and not sleeping. So tired! My husband didn't care if I nursed or now. My mother said she hardly nursed at all. My sister commiserated: "Nursing is hard." So I quit and felt relieved. And my baby still grew and still loved being close to me.

After a couple months, my husband asked why I was still wearing my maternity clothes when my pregnant belly was gone. So I tried to put them away, but they were so comfortable. Were my old clothes always this restricting? I could barely button up my old jeans. Must be that my body changed with the pregnancy. Or the dryer was shrinking those cheap T-shirts. Or something. I couldn't be gaining weight; not possible.

When I finally weighed myself again, I was still below pregnancy high, but I was higher than right before the pregnancy. Enough to make my jeans tight. "That's OK," I thought. "I'll do better, be better."

But I wasn't. And things got so busy and stressful. Hubs got a new job, we sold our house, we moved in with MIL, we bought a new house, we moved. I held in a lot of my stress during this time and ate it rather than dealing with it. So much stress. So many cookies.


So here I am again. Back to my pregnancy high. Here we go again.